Here is a collection of 10 interview questions one can use to prove that the interviewee knows nothing about Ruby.

Before opening a link with the correct answer, please spend at least 5 minutes and try to come up with an answer by yourself.

1. Supersonic Future

$ ruby -r./magic.rb -e 'maybe_yes_maybe_no = magic; if maybe_yes_maybe_no then puts "YES" else puts "NO" end'

As you see, both branches of the if are executed. In this question and in any other question in this post, standard Ruby distribution is used.

The task is to implement magic.rb.


Now, think again.

Giving up? Here’s the answer.

2. Point-free

duplicate = ...
duplicate.(20) # => [20, 20]
duplicate.(:x) # => [:x, :x]

Implement duplicate. There is a limitation: using arbitrary local variables (including proc/lambda/block/method params) is not allowed. For example, the following solutions are not acceptable:

duplicate = proc { |x| [x, x] }
duplicate = method(def f(x) [x, x]; end)


3. Forty Two

h = {}
h.inspect.size # => 2
v = ...
h[v] = v
h.inspect.size # => 14
h[v] = v
h.inspect.size # => 28
h[v] = v
h.inspect.size # => 42

What is v equal to?


4. Binary Blindness

"1011".b is equal to

  1. 11
  2. "1111110011"
  3. "11"
  4. 1011
  5. "1011"
  6. String doesn’t have a method named b
  7. undefined


5. ActiveRails

Let’s assume u is a newly created instance of a usual AR model User < ActiveRecord::Base with timestamp columns.

What is u.updated_at -u.created_at equal to?

  1. 0.0
  2. 0
  3. Non-negative integer number
  4. Non-negative floating point number
  5. undefined
  6. ___ your answer

If you think you know the answer, write it down first and then compare with the correct answer.


6. Quantum Computing

[0,1].first(&:nonzero?) evaluates to

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. Runtime error
  4. undefined


7. Referential Transparency

Implement MyClass such that

case 5 when MyClass then true else false end
# => true
case 5 when MyClass then true else false end
# => false
case 5 when MyClass then true else false end
# => true


8. Go Meta

class A

A.class_eval do
  extend do
    def foo
end returns…

  1. :bar
  2. nil
  3. undefined
  4. __ your answer.


9. Matrix Multiplication

[ 10 ] [ 0 ] [ 01 ] returns…

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 10
  5. -1
  6. 10001
  7. Syntax error
  8. Runtime error
  9. undefined


10. Action Unpack

Construct an object liar using only standard Rails classes and not using metaprogramming (not even (re)defining classes and methods), for which the following is true:

liar = ...
liar.nil? # => true
!liar     # => false


Bonus: C++

def f(xs, ys)
  xs.reject! do |x|
    ys.any? { |y| y[:cnt] += x[:cnt] if x != y }

a = [{cnt: 4}, {cnt: 2}]
f(a, a)
a # => ???

What a will be equal to as a result?

  1. [{cnt: 4}, {cnt: 2}]
  2. [{cnt: 4}]
  3. [{cnt: 2}]
  4. [{cnt: 6}]
  5. []
  6. Runtime error
  7. undefined


Final word

If your interviewee knows more than a half of these questions - they are a perfect candidate for a Ruby position solving stupid riddles.

¹ Never ever ask these questions during an actual interview.