I have strong opinion about some patterns in Ruby. Certain things are frequently used in a terribly wrong way (what a surprise). In this post I will explain what is wrong with how Array#flatten is used sometimes.


Argument-less flatten should not exist. In my experience, only in very rare cases do we need to call it. Most often, flat_map should be used instead. In most of the remaining cases, flatten(1) is an option.

flatten without arguments means that you have no idea what kind of input to expect. This is a violation of YAGNI principle and just sloppy coding.

There are literally hundreds of examples of abusing flatten on GitHub. Let’s review some of them.

Case One

  # bad

  # good

a.map{}.flatten is not always equivalent to a.flat_map{}, but in this particular case it is, as well as in many similar cases.

Case Two

  # bad
  html.scan(/.../).flatten.each do |anchor|

  # good
  html.scan(/.../) do |(anchor)|

Way simpler, right?

Case Three

  # bad
  def helper_attr(*attrs)

  # good
  def helper_attr(*attrs)

This pattern is especially popular among Ruby developers. With this pattern, the caller is allowed to call helper_attr in many different ways:

  HELPERS = %i[current_account current_user current_role]

  helper_attr :current_user
  helper_attr HELPERS
  helper_attr [[:bullshit]], [[[[[:look_what_i_can_do]], [:lol]]]], :ok

Some people call it “convenient”. I respectfully disagree. I consider this code unconfident, vague and sloppy. Interface of helper_attr is overly broad. Without losing much readability, flatten can be dropped and the method will become more strict, it will obtain a well-defined type, if you wish:

  HELPERS = %i[current_account current_user current_role]

  helper_attr :current_user
  # the following is not considered a valid input
  helper_attr [[:bullshit]], [[[[[:look_what_i_can_do]], [:lol]]]], :ok

If the splat in helper_attr(*HELPERS) really, really, really bugs you, then there still exists an option way better than argument-less flatten: flatten(1).

  def helper_attr(*attrs)

  helper_attr :current_user
  helper_attr HELPERS
  # the following is not considered a valid input
  helper_attr [[:bullshit]], [[[[[:look_what_i_can_do]], [:lol]]]], :ok

Case Four

  # bad
  [forwarded_ips, client_ips, remote_addr].flatten.compact

  # good
  [*forwarded_ips, *client_ips, remote_addr].compact

If we know the shape of the input, why on Earth do we need to use the overly generic and slow method that hides our intent instead of making it as clear as possible?

Case Five

  # bad

  # still bad, but better
  # or

Surprisingly often I see this [something].flatten code. In most cases, what people want is: if it’s a collection, keep it as is, otherwise wrap it in array. This is exactly what Kernel#Array does.


Do I need to say that flatten-less code is generally faster than equivalent code full of argumentless flattens?

But mind you, performance is not my main concern. My main concern is maintainability. I consider naked flatten a code smell. In many cases code with flatten is the opposite of what I would call Confident Ruby.